What Can You Expect from a Tricord Wealth Advisor?


Obviously, when we sit down with a new client, we will need the financial data, your tax returns, and your financial statements, insurance, your wills and trust, etc. But that is only a small part of the total picture.

When we sit down with a new client we take the time to ask questions to get to know not just your numbers, but to understand your values, your goals and your objectives. We want to know your dreams, who is important to you, what is important to you, and what role does money play in all this.

With that information we will put a snapshot where you are currently, with a balance sheet and net worth.  Further, we look at all your expenses and making sure that we have a good accounting of what you are spending on a monthly basis and making sure your cash flow stays positive (most people have a negative cash flow, which means they are spending more than what they are bringing in).

If you are overspending, as your financial coach, we will show you how to get it under control and get yourself on the right course.

Further, in addition to managing assets, there is also managing risk. A sound financial plan begins with protecting what you've got. We will also conduct a risk assessment and make sure that you have adequate protection of your security and peace of mind in the wake of the unexpected.