Peace of mind, a resilient and harmonious future, and a legacy that endures.

We guide retirees and business owners through the complexities of financial and legacy planning. With the the strength of a tricord, we form aspirations, faith, and financial strategies into peace of mind, a resilient and harmonious future, and a legacy that endures.

Are You Navigating the Complexities of Retirement and Legacy Planning?

As a retiree or business owner, you've worked hard to build your wealth. But now, you face the daunting task of ensuring it lasts and reflects your values. Are you worried about the uncertainties of retirement, like outliving your savings, navigating market volatilities, or facing unexpected tax burdens?

You're not alone. Many in your position struggle to find financial strategies that align with their faith and life principles, while also securing a financially sound future. At Tricord Wealth Advisors, we understand these challenges deeply. Let us guide you towards a financial plan that honors your values and safeguards your legacy.

Personalized Financial Assessment & Investment Screening

Begin with a comprehensive evaluation. We take the time to understand your unique financial situation, your retirement goals, and the values that drive your decisions. We can also screen your current investments to identify any of those which may go against your values. This initial step lays the foundation for a plan that's as unique as you are.

Tailored Strategy Development

Armed with insights from your assessment, we craft a customized financial strategy. This includes navigating retirement income planning, tax-efficient wealth management, and aligning your investments with your faith and values. Our goal is to ensure your financial plan not only meets your needs but also resonates with who you are.

Ongoing Support and Adjustment

Your journey doesn't end with a plan. We provide continuous support and regular reviews to adapt to life's changes. As your life evolves, so should your financial strategy. We're here to ensure your financial plan stays aligned with your goals, values, and the changing financial landscape.